然後我利用課餘時間用之前去日本買的和紙色紙做了四款信封,可愛的KODOMO NO KAO達摩印章還有從大創買的信紙信封這次終於派上用場了,然後還我還蓋了新買的玫瑰印章,為了營造出亞洲風我還找了我媽的藏書票章(我們家真的沒有什麼大刻印,除了姓名章外)結果作的太開心完全忘記要留白黏郵票,信封整個變成卡片了(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
I remembered that when I was in senior I often exchanged postcards on Postcrossing.After entering university I don't have enought time to do this,but I restart it now!I perfer receiving letters than a message from Facebook or LINE.It's quite excited when waiting for those mails and I really cherish every letter I got.Althoght preparing the envolpes and the decos takes time,I still love it!It's one of my leisure activities.By the way,the post office released a set of limited stamps,named 120th Anniversary of the Chinese Postal Service.5 $NT and 12 $NT are included.It's really lovely!I suppose to buy more I only bought two sets and I know that the stamps will be run out soon.
I made four envolpes during my sparetime,I used the colored papers I bought from Japan oh and also the stamps from KODOMO NO KAO and the small letters and envolpes from DAISO.In order to create the Asian style I borrowed the ex.libris from my mom.(I don't have any big seal besides my Chinese name seal.)When I finished my works,I figured out that I totally forgot to reverse place for the stamps!LOL so those envolpes has turned into cards!