第一次嘗試製作迷你相本,Scrapbooking中譯為剪貼簿或者個人相本也在歐美國家流行了一段時間,源自於15世紀英國,人們會搜集日常中的食譜、詩句甚至信件,當作自己的生活記錄,後來Scrapbooking更是演變成一項專門的興趣甚至是職業,稱作scrappers或者scrapbookers。要做出一本出色的相本也不容易,除了手要巧之外,我覺得美感的培養更是重要,相本的排版還有裝飾點綴也會直接影響到作品的質感,一直以來都有陸陸續續看一些達人的作品,遲遲沒有自己動手做是因為這真的是一個好大的錢坑啊!細緻的無酸紙、印台印泥到週邊工具都不便宜,加上手作迷犯賤的個性很容易看到相似款或者相似色就想全部購入,所以在荷包沒有很飽滿之前我真的不敢面對Scrapbooking。這次終於鼓起勇氣去Daisy Day買材料,連聖誕節卡片的材料也一次買齊了,一不小心又在店裡晃了好幾個小時。
This was my first time making a mini album.Scrapbooking has been popular and common in Europe and America.Scrapbooking can backtrack to the 15 century England,emerged as a way to compile information that included recipes, quotations, letters, poems and more. Each commonplace book was unique to its creator's particular interests.Currently scrapbooking also evolve into a professional career,s, known as "scrappers" or "scrapbookers," get together and scrapbook at each other's homes, local scrapbook stores,scrapbooking conventions, retreat centers, and even on cruises.I've been followed some experts for a while,because of the expensive material costs I start making the crafts till now.I went to Daisy Day to pick up some papers and tools,also get the materials ready for the Christmas.
They sell some illustration works,every goods looks vivid and delicate.I bought some postcards and had a little chat with the boss.He explained to me the method of the tools,we also had a discussion of Scrapbooking and the handmade marketing.Comparing the other countries,we have to work harder to catch them!I chose some lovable patterns for the mini album.Sometimes I'll clip and paste some pictures from the magazines,so you can use these materials to decorate your album.I designed 6 pages including the cover and the back cover.Some pages for taking notes,if you want to enshrine the album just fasten the ribbon up,if you don't want to,just demonstrate it in your living room!
Daisy Day北投總店:台北市北投區中正街69號
Daisy Day blog:http://www.daisyday.com.tw